Finding a Minneapolis part time job could be easier than you think. There are many resources for finding Minneapolis job openings.
First there is a great website where job openings are listed by city such as On this site, openings are found all over the internet. You can search by city and find all the listed Minneapolis job openings. You can also search specifically for Minneapolis part time jobs or Minneapolis entry level jobs. On sites like these you can even find Minneapolis temporary jobs. If you want something a little closer to home try local websites. You could find information about local job fairs, which could be the perfect solution to your Minnesota job search. You can also try a convention center website. This type of website has a list of events for the convention center, and will list any upcoming job fairs. Job fairs are a great place to look, because rather than sending a resume off to an email address, you will be talking to a real person. This gives you a lot of opportunities to make connections and even friends if you know what you are doing. You may not find your perfect job at the fair, but you might meet someone who will lead you to other Minneapolis job opportunities. Also do not forget to try local newspapers and classified ads. Part time jobs usually have high turn-over rates, so it may be more likely that you find Minneapolis part time jobs only listed locally. Remember that many jobs are filled only by word of mouth. Make your Minneapolis job search known to friends and family members. Be smart with your search. Take advantage of Minneapolis job postings and fairs and you will end your search faster than you can say, “Minneapolis job opportunities, please.”