Part time jobs also are involved with direct selling activities. The direct selling of services has developed along the same lines as the direct selling of products. The sales representative is the key to the successful interaction between those who need services and those who provide them. Services sales representatives contact prospective clients, determine their needs, and outline the types and prices of services that can help the customer. Although word-of-mouth recommendations are still important, services sales representatives increasingly rely on telecommunications and computer technology to identify potential customers and their needs. Although specific job responsibilities depend on the type of service being sold, all services sales representatives have a variety of duties in common. First, it is vital that sales representatives understand and be able to discuss the services their company provides. For example, a shipping service sales representative must be familiar with shipping rates, import and export regulations, and a host of other factors involving packaging and handling.
In part time retail jobs, the sales procedure follows a similar pattern regardless of the particular service being sold. The sales representative develops list of prospective clients through the use of selected telephone and business directories, by asking customers and other business associates for leads, by looking for new customers as they cover their assigned territories, and by receiving inquiries from potential customers. Sales representatives then meet with prospective customers and explain how the services being offered can meet their needs. This often requires using literature or demonstrations to describe their company’s products. Sales representatives then answer customer questions and try to persuade them to use their services. Keeping in constant touch with customers and potential customers is another important component of a services sales representative’s job. If they fail to make a sale to a potential customer, for example, sales workers may follow up with more visits, letters, and phone calls. By the same token, constant contact with current customers encourages the continued use of services and increases the likelihood that the satisfied customer will recommend the services to friends or business acquaintances. A sales representative engaging with part time customer service jobs can vary with the size of the company. Those working for larger companies, for example, generally are more specialized and are assigned to specific territorial boundaries and specific counts. Those who work for smaller companies may have public relations duties and administrative tasks in addition to their sales functions.
While some high-school graduates are now serving as part time job service sales representatives, an increasingly large number of those employed in this field have a college degree. The more complex a service, the greater the likelihood of it being sold by a college-trained person. For example, a company that markets advertising services would most likely seek a sales representative with an undergraduate degree in advertising or a master’s degree in business administration. High school students should take preparatory courses including English, speech, arts, mathematics, and history. College programs will vary as to the particular area of interest, but should include course work in psychology, marketing, public relations, finance, and business law. It is very important for a potential salesperson to have a good personality. The successful salesperson usually is cheerful, optimistic, sociable with both acquaintances and strangers, sincere, and tactful. The person must be able to both make good initial impression and to maintain it while working repeatedly with the same customer. Good verbal skills are a necessity.
The good salesperson must also be able to work independently for much of the time. He or she must have sufficient self-motivation to continue to seek customers even after a long day or a series of setbacks.
Generally, part time jobs require no licenses or certificates needed to work in this field. The only special requirement is then necessary knowledge and training dictated by employers in accordance with the complexities of the services being sold. This may include advanced educational degrees and work experience in the field in which one will sell. Many students, however, are able to measure their abilities and interest through part-time sales work in a store or other similar sales environment. Likewise, some school work-study programs may have opportunities with businesses for part-time, practical, on-the-job training.
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