A part-time job is a good match for millions of people all over the world. In many countries, half of all workers work part-time. It is a great way to introduce ''real-world'' experience to young high school or college-aged students.
If you want to find a part time job, you have to recognize that this particular market is a numbers game. The more local places you apply to, the better your chances for success. One thing that will help you find a part time job is understanding what you are expecting from the job.
In trying to find a part time job, whenever you find a job listing that seems like something you could do, apply for it. The best job search engines, and the only ones to use, have very comprehensive job listings that are made up of national and local newspaper listings, listings from job recruiters, and listings from major job boards. Using such a wide database of job opportunities, you are sure to find something that will suit your skills, personality and availability.
If all you need is some extra money, then apply to every listing you find appealing. If, however, you are looking for part time work in order to bulk up your resume (as is the case with most college students or recent graduates), then there are a few more steps to go through.
Identify the skills that would be necessary in your chosen industry and try to find a part time job that will hone those skills, and also give you experience related to your chosen industry.
A quality job search engine will include filters that will help you find a part time job close to home but having built-in filters that only deliver you listings within a certain distance of where you live.
To get a job offer, you must convince hiring managers that they need you. Focus on the positive. If you're out of a job or have been fired, don't bring it up. Everything you say, and how you say it, should convey self-confidence.
It is important to find work you will enjoy, and knowing how to stand out from the application stack can help you find a suitable job to supplement your income.