There are a lot of freelance jobs that can be done from the comfort of your own home and will allow you to work around your existing schedule. Consider part-time job writing, typing, or proofreading.
What skills do you possess that make it easy for you to do something that might take others three or four times as long? Put those skills to use as a virtual assistant. For example, a small business owner might contract with you to regularly develop and send their monthly newsletter, or update their database. Dog sitting is another job opportunity that can work around your existing schedule. For example, if you work full time, advertise that your dog-sitting services are available on the weekends only.
One way to go about it is to sell some things for some cash. Get rid of some things that you never use. If you have some old books you never read sell them for some cash! If you don't want or need it, then why bother keeping it when you can turn it into something that you desire? Making your own product is you best bet if you have a special talent to put to use.
You can be able to earn money online through part times jobs like freelance writing, blogging and affiliate marketing. If you have a good writing skills to provide the quality content and to attract the visitor then you have the ability to make some extra money to their daily needs through blogging. One of the easiest ways to make extra money through part time jobs is the online surveys.
There are many different opportunities for this as well. These include swim lesson instructor, house delivery jobs, lifeguard, sales assistant, recreation assistant, web designers, violinist/ musician, mailing letters, dishwasher, IT technical assistants, tour guides, book keeper, delivery work, receptionist, , drivers, photographers, graphic designers and many more! Search around for something you would like to do.