Types of part-time jobs that students do include:
Tutoring A great part time job for your CV, one to one teaching is fulfilling, lets you utilise the skills you have acquired in your own studies and can be really well paid.
Catering Agency Bar people, waiter service or behind the scenes; agencies offer a range of positions. You could get to work in some of London's most exciting venues and events and again, it's flexible so that you can choose when and what hours you want to work.
Online jobs Students can able earn money online through part times jobs like freelance writing, blogging and affiliate marketing. If you have good writing skills to provide the quality content and to attract the visitor then you have the ability to make some extra money to their daily needs through blogging. One of the easiest ways to make extra money through part time jobs is the online surveys. Some of the students are earning from hundreds to thousands of dollars by just completing the online surveys in little with no efforts.
Part time jobs for students also include Promotion work, landscaping / gardener, swim lesson instructor, house cleaning, Part time medical transcription, office assistant, management assistant, delivery jobs, lifeguard, sales assistant, recreation assistant, web designers, violinist/ musician, mailing letters, dishwasher, IT technical assistants, tour guides, book keeper, delivery work, receptionist, creative writers, drivers, photographers, graphic designers.
Students who work while studying tend to understand and grasp their studies much better than those who are not on job. They understand the nature of business and get a practical learning about how things are done. For example if a student is studying telecommunications and works at a call center, he will understand each and every thing much better. However students working while studying should definitely not divert from their studies and keep a balance between their studies as well as job.