Since today's business is based only on the number of sales, the companies, apart from the regular full-time workers, also welcome students and graduates for part time sales jobs as it tends to increase their sales bars. Such employers can also offer a percentage of sales made by the part-time employees as remuneration to them. This definitely has turned out to be the best form of motivating people to work to the best of their capacities.
Doing part time sales job is not an easy task as it requires a very good amount of communication skills. Like all other jobs, making sales or selling anything to anyone requires great convincing power. It is considered an art to make people buy the product and enhance the sales of a particular company. After all, convincing people to invest their hard-earned money in your product is a difficult task. Researchers say that 90% of the people tend to think twice before spending money from their own pockets. This makes the job of the part-time sales agent all the more difficult.
In today's world of extreme competition, even for a part-time sales job some educational qualification is required. For a part-time sales job belonging to a relatively lower category a very high qualification is not sought. It should suffice to have a high school degree to work as a part-time salesperson at the local departmental store. For a higher post, however, most of the employers require a bachelor's degree in business administration with emphasis on marketing. To hone one's skills, an internship in part-time sales jobs is heavily recommended. In highly technical fields a part-time sales job would require a bachelor's degree both in that particular field and in business administration. Some top-level employers also require a bachelor's or master's degree in public relations along with the above requirements.
Apart from educational qualifications, candidates for a part-time sale jobs should also have some basic skills. They should be familiar with word processing and other such important database applications. Nowadays, computer skills are a must because most part-time sales jobs and sales promotions take place via the internet. Apart from this, the most important thing that a candidate for a part-time sales job should possess is very good communication skills. They should know how to interact with and win over different kinds of people and make them buy the product.
Part time sales agents need to be friendly and tactful and should never make wrong decisions in the face of stress. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages acts as an added bonus as it may open up new and vast avenues to work in an outside market. They should be able to communicate very clearly, through both spoken and written words. Part-time sales agents need to maintain a very good professional and personal rapport with both prospective as well as existing customers.
Employment charts indicate that part-time sales job form around 30% of the total sales jobs in the USA. Employment in the part time sales job sector is expected to increase by 16% per year until the year 2016 - a rate higher than the average growth for the overall jobs in the world. But this is only half the story. The main and important part is that there is a huge competition from an ever-increasing number of talented people especially in the teen bracket, who view a part-time sales job as a way to quick bucks.
The pay grade for a part-time sales job varies highly from person to person and sector to sector. Ones pay depends upon how good he or she is on the job, as the salaries depend upon the number of sales made by the part-time sales agents. A rough estimate would place the remuneration of an average sales agent in the country between $300 and $500 per month.
Doing a part-time sales job can boost your confidence and allow you to understand the real nature of the corporate world. It basically brings a certain kind of confidence in you which will help you to prosper in future. Thus, part time sales jobs have attractive growth opportunities, but at the same time are facing ever-increasing competition from more than capable candidates.