If you want to provide residential or cleaning service then really think about it deeply and then decide. This part time job is performed during the daytime, mainly after business hours and generally on weekends. You can choose your working hours according to these times, whichever is suitable to you and suits your situation. Get your license and insurance, because it adds credibility to your work. You can get a business license from the state department or the local county. Choose an insurance service with a competitive price for good customer service. You can search an agent from the Yellow Pages. You can also seek for advice from small business administration or the local chamber of commerce. For marketing purposes you can use business cards, car magnets, and fliers. You can also go online and look for various sites for the above mentioned things, and with the use of this you can reach your target market. Try to advertise wherever you go.
You can also start making forms on your PC using Microsoft Excel and Word while you wait for the marketing supplies to arrive. You must check every service the client would like performed. Various stores offer great cleaning products which include stores such as Costco, Sam's Club, and BJ. These stores offer products in bulk and at low prices. You will find several products to fit your needs if you are going to start a daycare friendly service. You must keep a bookkeeping system with you. The other important thing is you must be in compliance with the IRS. You must enjoy the job of cleaning and be sure about it. If you are meticulous and organized then this is a great home business for you. But if you don't pay attention to detail then this job is not for you. You can also call for the local cleaning service, which can help you price your services. You can also set price for you according to your thinking. A part time cleaning service can be a great part time service for your family. You can involve your mom, sister, and husband in this job.
Provide green products and start recycling trash and you can start earth friendly services. It will prove good for environment and for your business too. Don’t use bleach and ammonia products as they will prove harmful for clothing and for body. You must exercise caution while doing the job of cleaning. Lock all the doors and windows because if they are locked it will be good for your work. You can go ahead and really achieve success in this job if you follow these simple rules and regulations. It can be a very enjoyable part time job.