A part time maintenance position could be just the thing for someone who needs extra money, and/or who has only a limited number of hours to commit to a job. These jobs pay well and can be found in many sections of the country. Apartments need good workers who can fill in as needed on a part time basis. This type of work involves removing or installing carpet, repairing locks, doors, windows, and other routine building upkeep.
Individuals who have good mechanical skills and aptitude should have little problem finding maintenance jobs of this type. Part time maintenance jobs can usually fit into any type of schedule, which makes these, ideal for people who are retired or even for individuals looking for a second job.
If you’re a morning person, there are plenty of jobs in this field that would like a maintenance person who could start bright and early every morning. If you like to sleep in and work late, you will still be able to find a number of available positions that don’t start until evening, or even midnight. Banks and private companies will often hire part time maintenance people to make minor repairs and upgrades during the hours when the businesses are closed, and some of these jobs will let the maintenance employees choose their hours.
These maintenance jobs are great positions for those who prefer to work independently, understand machinery and basic tools, and enjoy working with their hands. There may be times when you are required to work outdoors, but even then you will be able to work at your job without interruptions, and no one will steadily be standing there looking over your shoulder. One of the attractions of maintenance work for many people is that it allows a degree of latitude and independence. Searching jobs that are posted in newspapers or on job finders sites can help you find the best openings that are near you.
Maintenance jobs are good opportunities for people looking to supplement their income by taking a second job. The pay for these jobs is usually more than many other part time openings and you may even be able to start at a higher pay if you have performed maintenance work in the past. There may be some experience or particular mechanical skills required for some of these maintenance positions.
You can check online sites like Part Time Crossing for a list of all of the highest paying jobs in maintenance that offer part time jobs. This site will let you quickly determine whether you have the qualifications for the posted positions. Job hunters are also able to browse the postings and apply online for those that they have the most interest in. Most maintenance positions are available for handymen, or workers, who are well versed in basic maintenance issues including minor construction, plumbing, building, or even home repairs. There will be some that are looking for individuals who have particular certifications or experience with HVAC, electrical concerns, or masonry work.
Sometimes these types of jobs will require you to furnish your own hand tools. Today there are many people who have the basic tools at home or in the garage. If you have had maintenance jobs of this sort in the past, you will probably have a box full of tools that you can use when needed. Even if you have to purchase some tools to do the job you will still be able to recoup the money in a week or two, and your tools will then be an investment that you can use to secure additional work.
There are some part time maintenance positions that will provide you with up to 35 hours of work a week throughout the year. At the same time there are some maintenance jobs that are only seasonal. There are still other maintenance positions that are used as a temporary addition to help a full time employee who is overwhelmed with unexpected work during a particularly busy season.
If you accept a maintenance job that requires you to supply your own tools then it may be possible for you to negotiate a $20 or $30 per month allowance as a partial reimbursement. Some businesses may reimburse you the full price for any special tools that must be purchased for a particular job.
There are a lot of people who will find these part time jobs particularly appealing, especially students or retirees. Students can fit the work around their school schedules and many workers who have retired enjoy the chance to do useful work and earn some extra money.
These jobs can also put you in a rather unique position, because while some may place you on the payroll, others may consider you as a contract worker. This means that you would have to pay your own taxes and social security because none would be taken from your pay. It is critical that you know how the pay will be handled at the very beginning.
Most part time jobs do not offer benefits such as retirement or disability. This is something that you would need to clarify before actually agreeing to accept any part time maintenance work. When you search available positions on Part Time Crossing you will be able to read the details about each posted opening, and you will be able to find contact information that you can use to ask questions if something is unclear about the job requirements.