There are many people who prefer part-time over full-time employment. The most popular reasons include the need for students to fit work around study time, for parents to fit work around children’s needs, and for children to fit work around the care needs of elderly or sick parents. Of course, there are many other reasons to seek part-time employment, and the good news is that there is plenty to be found in just about every type of job. This means that your chances are good of finding part-time employment, whether you are educated in a profession or not.
Accountants, lawyers, and even physicians can be employed on a part-time basis as well. To be employed on a part-time basis in any of these professional positions, you need exactly the same qualifications as if you were employed full time. In other words, you need your degree with the appropriate major and any additional certification that is required. In addition, you will generally require previous experience in a similar role that was most likely on a full-time basis.
However, not everyone who wishes to work part time has a professional qualification. Fortunately, there are plenty of part-time jobs for people who are skilled but not in a professional capacity. The most popular part-time work tends to be office related. Receptionists, secretaries, account clerks, and payroll clerks, as well as various types of administrators, can all find part-time jobs in these areas. However, there is likely to be more competition for these roles than for part-time professional jobs. Training for these office-related positions can be undertaken at trade technical colleges, some junior colleges, and private vocational colleges. Provisions of training will be different in different states, so make inquiries locally as to your options.
Rarely do people want part-time trade positions, as trades still tend to be male dominated. However, various technical roles and construction roles can fit well as part-time employment. So aside from responding directly to advertisements for part-time jobs, it can be fruitful to approach companies you are interested in to see if they have part-time opportunities that have not been advertised.
As with professional and administrative jobs, trades require specific training and certification. In order to be able to access part-time employment in some trades, you will need to already possess the trade certificates and experience in a particular field. Labor hire companies can often find short-term work in trades and manual labor for their people and will match you to hours that suit. You can also register with them to find permanent part-time employment.
Part-time work abounds in the retail sector and often does not require experience. If the hours you work are more important than the amount of money you earn, then a part-time retail job could be the answer. Many stores allow you to apply online and will notify you of the interviewing process if you get through the first stage. For people willing to work well into the night, there are likely to be more choices of employment, as they will not have to compete with teenagers who have to attend school the next morning.
Call centers are another possibility for part-time work, as are banks and other financial institutions. Sometimes experience in similar roles is required, but often training is given. The main qualities sought for these roles are clear communication and excellent customer service.
So, if you want to work but don't want to work full time, there are plenty of opportunities for part-time employment and many ways to locate these jobs. Not only are jobs advertised in your local newspapers, they are advertised online and directly through employment agencies. If you are interested in particular companies, you can also keep an eye on the employment section of their websites. If you commit to being organized, well presented, and persistent, you have an excellent chance of landing a part-time job that will meet your needs.