If you work at home as a writer creating content for websites such as eHow.com, it can be a struggle to limit the number of hours devoted to writing and publishing articles, but there are some little tricks you can use to ensure that you work only a certain number of hours doing a part time job. For example, you can leave your computer turned on only during daylight hours that you work, and you can quit for the time. If your computer is not on, you may be less tempted to write at a time when you feel you should be doing other things instead.
Another strategy you can use if you are a parent of school-age children is to allow yourself to work at home during school hours. It is sometimes useful to apply a time management tool arbitrary as it is willing to maintain a healthy balance between work and family life. (After all, when working at home, the lines between work and family life can be quite blurred at times, and anything you can do to make these a little less blurred lines can be useful.)
Another way to ensure working at home having a part time career is when only one party is insisting that work only a certain number of hours per week. Say you only want to work at home for twenty hours each week. ''Clock'' at a preset time (maybe 9:00) and ''watch out'' (perhaps 1:00 pm) each weekday, as if reporting at the time of twenty to work the week away from home. Try your hardest to stick to any setting itself.