The result has been that a significant portion of the vacancies advertised are for part-time jobs. Certain sectors of the economy in particular require a large proportion of part-time staff, such as nursing and health which have part-time hospital jobs comprising an essential aspect of health services delivered across the country. Part-time nursing jobs in particular are very common both for qualified and non-qualified nursing and care staff in order to cover the non-social hours that sometimes must be worked or to cover patient responsibilities when being cared for as an outpatient. No matter what you are looking for, whether part-time receptionist jobs or part-time teaching jobs, there are common strategies you should adopt to maximize your opportunities and chances of landing the position you are after.
Here are nine tips for getting access to the part-time jobs that you want:
Tip Number One
Pay as much attention to preparing and implementing your job search as you would for a full-time position. Part-time work is important for businesses and employees alike, and there can be nothing part-time about your attitude towards your job search, particularly at a time of economic constraint, which we are currently experiencing.
Tip Number Two
Consider the employer's job requirements and specifications for the vacancy very carefully. This tells you what the employer is looking for and you should make sure you properly highlight your skills and experience to meet those needs as closely as you can without the employer needing to go digging through your resume in search of your relevant qualifications.
Do not hide your light under a bush — if you have the skills for the job make sure they are front and center for the employer to see immediately, as you will not have much time to convince them with a resume that is one of dozens that will be sent in.
Tip Number Three
Your resume is an important and sensitive document which you must ensure is secure and properly used. You are the only person who should decide when it is sent out to an employer and you should also know when this happens. In short, you control your resume!
Frequently resumes are simply mass mailed out to employers along with many others, and there is no real thought as to whether you and the employer will be a good match in terms of you getting the job and the remuneration package you desire. If a recruiting service doesn't have strict resume security policies, simply avoid using it.
Tip Number Four
Dress appropriately for the interview and arrive in good time!
This may sound like obvious advice but it is a certainty that one or more of your competing candidates is going to make this silly mistake.
This is the easiest win you can get so just do it.
Tip Number Five
Employers pay fees and commissions for employing you if you are referred to them by a recruiting agency or service. You do not pay commissions or a fee if you accept an offer of a job from an employer they have set you up with.
Do not pay any fees or commissions to a recruiter, though you may separately and independently pay for services, such as access to a vacancy database, but this is nominal in comparison.
Tip Number Six
On the subject of vacancy listings on the web, do not use a service which charges the employer for advertising the vacancy. This simply turns employers off from advertising their vacancies or restricts the number of sites that the vacancy is advertised on.
In short, these services will never be able to develop and compile a comprehensive listing of vacancies, so though they are popular, especially since they provide free access to job seekers, they are in fact a dead end.
Look for services that charge no fees to employers and have a dedicated team collecting vacancy information from offline and online sources to add to the database and are actively keeping the database up-to-date and accurate.
Tip Number Seven
Prepare for your job search and interview process methodically and diligently. A candidate who has researched the employer and the job will stand out among other candidates, especially during the interview process.
Candidates who prepare and research the issues also gain confidence, and it is very apparent to an interviewer which candidates have been lazy and which have been professional in approaching the process.
Tip Number Eight
Register for message boards and web forums which populate the Internet and deal with your employment sector; they are free and full of people who can help you with your employer and job research as well as acting as a source of information on vacancies and hiring information before the news hits the listing services.
Tip Number Nine
Be daring in sending your resume to some employers with vacancies you feel are above your level. You may be surprised at the responses you get, and if you are called for an interview for a position you felt was above your level then it is time to reassess where you are on the career curve.